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Wholesale 3-generation sewer pipe jammer tool manually pressurized sewer routing
Wholesale 3-generation sewer pipe jammer tool manually pressurized sewer routing
Wholesale 3-generation sewer pipe jammer tool manually pressurized sewer routing
Wholesale 3-generation sewer pipe jammer tool manually pressurized sewer routing

Wholesale 3-generation sewer pipe jammer tool manually pressurized sewer routing

ManufacturerVan An County, Che Jiemi Automobile Supplies Ltd.
CategoryDomestic cleaning equipment
Product categoryPipework Interference
Imported or notYes
GoodsThree-generation water treatment (manual) model ST-03
Number of boxes12 sets
Trade PropertiesInternal trade + foreign trade
Price period$30-40.
Product listing timeWinter 2017
Whether or not to export a source of goods exclusively across bordersYes
Is there a patent?Yes

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