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Wholesale of a small batch of glass bags with paper-packed and copper-packed paper optical glasses
Wholesale of a small batch of glass bags with paper-packed and copper-packed paper optical glasses
Wholesale of a small batch of glass bags with paper-packed and copper-packed paper optical glasses
Wholesale of a small batch of glass bags with paper-packed and copper-packed paper optical glasses

Wholesale of a small batch of glass bags with paper-packed and copper-packed paper optical glasses

ManufacturerGuangzhou City.
CategoryGlasses and accessories
BrandSmells good.
MaterialsCopper Paper
PurposeGlass box
Imported or notYes
ColourBlue single [inline], pink single [inline], blue white single [inline], blank single [inline], double glue single [inline], grey single [inline], light purple single [inline], single copper deep blue single [inline], double glue single 8x9cm [inline], deep blue single [inline], single copper 128g individualVer [inline], single copper 128g mass SKY [inline], single copper 128g mass SKY [inline], gradually blue single [inline], single copper 128g Pro individual [inline]
Whether or not to export a source of goods exclusively across bordersYes
Listing year / seasonSummer 2023

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