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Black rubber hoses, direct supply, high temperature, high-pressure wire tubes, hydraulic tubes.
Black rubber hoses, direct supply, high temperature, high-pressure wire tubes, hydraulic tubes.
Black rubber hoses, direct supply, high temperature, high-pressure wire tubes, hydraulic tubes.
Black rubber hoses, direct supply, high temperature, high-pressure wire tubes, hydraulic tubes.

Black rubber hoses, direct supply, high temperature, high-pressure wire tubes, hydraulic tubes.

ManufacturerTaizhou Cyclops Technology Ltd.
CategoryRubber tube
Type NameSingle layer fibre woven rubber pipelines
Imported or notYes
CardCC BY-NC-ND 2.0
MaterialsTritium rubber
GoodsCC BY-NC-ND 2.0
PurposeEngineering machinery Oil Metallurgy Electricity Coal mining Industry
Vendor (origin)Kevlar Tube Plant.
Common Exterior16.4
Wall thick.3.2

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