Ngôn ngữ trình duyệt của bạn hiện đang là tiếng Việt. Bạn có muốn chuyển sang trang tiếng Việt không?Chuyển sang trang tiếng Việt
Heavy-tempered, 20-foiler, 20-flasher, 20-foiler.
Heavy-tempered, 20-foiler, 20-flasher, 20-foiler.
Heavy-tempered, 20-foiler, 20-flasher, 20-foiler.
Heavy-tempered, 20-foiler, 20-flasher, 20-foiler.

Heavy-tempered, 20-foiler, 20-flasher, 20-foiler.

ManufacturerHubei Specialized Vehicle Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
CategorySpecialized vehicles
Process CustomYes.
BrandIt's a heavy-temperature mine.
ModelSCS5253 TDYZ6
PurposeOther special vehicles
OutloadVarious options
Number of crews/ seatsThree.
100 km of oil.23
Thread ModelZZ1257V464JF1
Rating Power254
Rating Mass9870
Tyre specifications1100
Number of tyres10
Emissions criteriaCountry 6
Driver MethodConsultants
Outer size (long* width* high)10150 x 2550 x 3650
Ready quality15,000.
Axis Distance4600 + 1350
Number of axesThree.
Total quality25,000.
Maximum speed102
Fuel typeDiesel

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