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Current Triphenyl TPB crystal powder 98.5% CAS:603-33-8 Industrial solidification catalyst
Current Triphenyl TPB crystal powder 98.5% CAS:603-33-8 Industrial solidification catalyst
Current Triphenyl TPB crystal powder 98.5% CAS:603-33-8 Industrial solidification catalyst
Current Triphenyl TPB crystal powder 98.5% CAS:603-33-8 Industrial solidification catalyst

Current Triphenyl TPB crystal powder 98.5% CAS:603-33-8 Industrial solidification catalyst

ManufacturerTechnological Co. Ltd.
CategoryOil product additives
OriginCamp Liaoning.
Imported or notYes
CategorySolidize catalysts
GoodsGJB 9902-2020
Classification of lubricantsIndustrial lubricants
BrandIt's the Zenith.
Product Specificationclosed rigid round plastic box with net weight of 500 g, 1000 g
Hazardous chemicalsYes
Product nameTriphenylazine
Specifications98.5% (1KG / start-up), small sample - not free (1KG contact list)
AppearanceWhite crystals or powders, clean blocks
Melting Point≥77°C
PurposeSolidification catalyst for high-fired velocity butroxy propellant

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