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2.5 cm wholesale single-colour, two-colour crystal reflecting strip reflecting film reflecting tape crystal
2.5 cm wholesale single-colour, two-colour crystal reflecting strip reflecting film reflecting tape crystal
2.5 cm wholesale single-colour, two-colour crystal reflecting strip reflecting film reflecting tape crystal
2.5 cm wholesale single-colour, two-colour crystal reflecting strip reflecting film reflecting tape crystal

2.5 cm wholesale single-colour, two-colour crystal reflecting strip reflecting film reflecting tape crystal

ManufacturerXianmenen-Technology and Industry Ltd.
CategoryTraffic security facilities
Imported or notYes
Process CustomYes.
Product standardsOB
ColourRed, white, green, blue, yellow.
SeriesBright Star Grid
Order numberZA3002
Specifications1CM*8M, 2.5cm*4.5m, 2.5cm*25m, 2.5cm*50m
ModelRed, white, customized, yellow, green, blue, fluorescent yellow, orange.

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